ekam sat viprā bahudhā vadanti

Thursday, May 11, 2006


"Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood" --Oscar Wilde

He understood them very well indeed, goes without saying.

A few months in France communicating to the French, has put all my team members' geography knowledge to test . For everytime I have to tell somebody my name, I start with 'S for Sweden, R for Russia, I for India...' till... 'R for Russia once again' . The longer your name, more countries you know.
But my dear friend (LoL :-) ), the only lady in the group had her own way.
On a weekend plan to the mediterranean coast, my friend (also the most enthusiastic among all of us) was booking hotel rooms for a bunch of us, over telephone. First few minutes just go out in trying to make the french person speak in English. Later, when nothing worked (as it happens in most of occasions here), she had to go down to spelling alphabets in her name. Voila, '.... for... ...' ...'H for heart... ... ... L for Love...' . Reaction of the person at the other end, would've been a sight to watch. The choice of words, just says so much, doesn't it?


Choice of words, reminds me of another incident that occurred years ago during my Chemical Engg days at college. At his Mass Transfer lab viva-voce, my good friend was asked to 'define' Vacuum. Huh, now what’s that to define! “Pressure less than 760 mm of Mercury” he promptly replied. But the Professor questioning had some plans. “That’s a technical measurement. that doesn't explain the term. Explain it like you would do, to help a layman understand, …but briefly!!" the Professor made it clear, flaunting a little mocking smile. Though a little shaken, but not stirred, my friend had a befitting and a crisp reply - "Sir.... it sucks!"


Sunday, May 07, 2006